Saturday, June 25, 2016

Alex & Emma (2003)


Official Trailer:


"Alex & Emma" is one of my favorite romantic comedies. I'm not ashamed to admit I've seen this movie plenty of times since I purchased it, probably very shortly after its release.

Luke Wilson and Kate Hudson are really interesting choices for this kind of film. In 2003, Wilson had played a lot of supporting roles in comedies or dramas; moving into a leading man position was new, and ultimately a very satisfying choice (sorta the same way I feel about Bill Hader in "Trainwreck"). Hudson had been more involved in dramas like "Almost Famous" and got a lot more traction for "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days", which released around the same time.

But what I have always loved about these two is the cute, not-too-intense chemistry between them. Things don't really spark between them, or start off heavily contentious or sexual. The story plays out in what always felt like a more natural way; two people meet, and as they spend time together and get to know one another, a bond begins to form. Lovely.

Another thing I love about this movie is that it's really two separate stories - the present world in which Adam is dictating a book and Emma is transcribing it, and the fictional world of the book itself, which is peopled with the same actors in a very different setting. When actors can manage to play multiple characters in the same movie that are separate and distinct, I will always sit up and take notice; to me, that's a sign of genuine talent.

And the talent extends to the writing and directing, too. Maybe I should save this observation for after the film, but one reason I come back to this movie again and again is the concise and delightful storytelling. Minimal sappiness, witty dialogue, realistic characters, reasonable pace. It'll be a genuine pleasure to watch.


Yep, definitely a pleasure to watch, and indeed, a genuine one. I definitely respond to the grounded nature of this story - there's no excess of wealth between Alex and Emma, they're not letting loose in Vegas or turning a one-night stand into a love affair. Although they don't actually show the two characters doing their laundry together (a reality that Emma sees lacking in most sweeping romances), there's a palpable suggestion that Alex and Emma are for real in their affections, and have genuine and distinct misgivings about the possibility of things working out in their favor.

I always forget how much this movie makes me grin. There are a lot of clever lines and exchanges, like:
(Alex dictating a line for Emma to write down, after the character Elsa has accidentally poured hot water on Adam's crotch) "Adam left a disappointed, but resilient, Elsa like a man on a mission - a man on a mission with hot, wet, balls."
"Okay, lose the balls."

There's not much more I can add to this post; "Alex & Emma" is just a small, self-contained, and sweet bit of filmmaking. It's a film I turn to when I want to smile, engage with likable characters, and generally feel like love doesn't have to be grandiose to be worth my time.

Overall rating: 4 out of 5

7 down. 291 to go.

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